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Glory in Heaven, Peace on Earth, the Light of Zion
that Illuminates the Whole World!
The Zion Christian Mission Center is a theological seminary established through New Heaven New Earth, Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony. It is a seminary that covers the entirety of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Many believers are coming to study with this school, and in 2022 there were a total of 106,186 graduates of the year long course.

Below is a gallery of some of the photos related to this momentous event.
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2021 grad
In 2019, over 100,000 students of the Zion Christian Mission Center graduated. At the time this was the largest graduation of any theological seminary worldwide. It was so large that they were not able to fit all the graduates in the same venue.

What drove so many people to study with the Zion Mission center? It is because Zion Mission center is the only theological seminary in the world that offers systematic study of the entire Bible only using the Bible. One of the key contents of the program is the figurative language of the Bible and parables of Jesus that leads to understanding the book of Revelation.
During 2020 and 2021 while the worldwide pandemic was at its peak, the Zion Christian Mission Center moved their classes online. Despite many challenges that Christian communities all over the world faced due to COVID19, the Zion Christian Mission Center continued to produce over 18,000 graduates in 2020 and over 18,000 graduates again in 2021! The graduation was held virtually to adhere to local health guidelines.
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Prior to the graduation of class 113, a press conference was held to answer the many questions of the media. Various media outlets were in attendance asking the questions of the people, how is it that so many people have come to study at the Zion Christian Mission Center?
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This year's graduation took place in the city of Daegu, South Korea. It could not hold all 100,000 (106,186 to be specific) graduates. In this photo, you are looking at about 80,000 graduates.

Considering the largest seminary in the US has about 3,700 students as of 2021, this is an unprecedented number of people studying the Bible in the history of humanity. The reason we held this graduation for the whole world to see (as well as this photo exhibition), is so that the work of God can be displayed and that especially believers of God can witness God’s power and abilities.
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The person in white in the middle here is the chairman of the church who founded the Zion Christian Mission Center, along with other leaders.

He gave a congratulatory message to all the graduates who worked hard to complete the entire Bible course.
There were a total of 106,186 graduates in this graduation. The graduates are holding up a golden piece of paper to form this number.

This graduation is the evidence of God’s work fulfilling as it has been prophesied. The graduates gathered in this graduation are the realities of those that were harvested. The evidence that they were harvested is that these graduates are interested in learning the Word of God which is the seed of God and they were especially interested in learning the book of Revelation which is the main content of our theological course. Thus this graduation is the display of God’s promised work of harvest of the end times.
For the graduation of Zion Mission center of year 2022, we also had select volunteers to congratulate the graduates with special performance!

With bright expressions and great energy, these performers worked hard to create quite the visual experience. During this performance, not only were moves done with the fans to create quite the scene, but acrobatic moves were also used as the performers put all their energy and heart into this performance. Behind the performers, the crowd of graduates participated by presenting a card section.

Turning of the tassels. Pictured here is the turning of the tassels of the representatives of this graduating class being done by the Chairman of New Heaven New Earth. To turn the tassel on the caps from alpha to omega position represents that the graduates have completed the education process of the Zion Christian Mission Center from the beginning to the end. Although we can only see two people participate in this portion of the graduation. At this time, all graduates attending across the world also participated in this part of the ceremony simultaneously

The above card section presents the message "We are one." WE ARE ONE is something often said in New Heaven New Earth as we are one in God and Jesus transcending races, nationalities and religion.


The graduation concluded as the graduates released balloons that they held throughout the ceremony. Thousands of balloons were released into the sky to show the excitement and gratitude towards God.

The graduation has been shown worldwide to let all people know the works of God and call all believers to witness God's power in this time of fulfillment. From newspapers, television ads, and even billboards in the famed Time Square, the graduation of 2022 is being made known to all people. We hope that many people will be able to participate in the graduation of Class 114 in 2023.

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